Pledge for 2019/2020 Annual Operations

Temple Beth Abraham is one of the oldest synagogues in Westchester.  For nearly 120 years we have been the center of Jewish life first in Tarrytown and then expanding into the surrounding area.  One reason for our longevity has been our ability to change to meet a changing world.  We are unique in being a single congregation with both Conservative and Reform styles of worship.

Another thing that sets us apart is the decision we made three years ago to transition from funding our annual operations from assessed membership dues to a voluntary contributions system.  We implemented a faith-based system for our faith-based institution – But our voluntary pledge system can only succeed if you help us.

Do you find value in any of the following?

  • The joy in coming together to celebrate holidays or in providing the ability for families to celebrate life-cycle events
  • A community providing comfort and support to those who have suffered a loss or in providing counseling to those who are nearing the end of life
  • Jewish rituals, festivals, and observances that make your family life stronger
  • A personal theology not at all about belief and ritual but about life as it is lived on earth, concerned with acts of repairing the world;
  • An opportunity to sustain meaningful friendships with other Jewish families
  • A Jewish homeland that is worthy of our support
  • A link to an extraordinary people going back over 3,500 years that has offered so much to the world

If you simply believe it is your obligation to make sure the next generation is given their legacy, as you were and as were the hundreds of generations before, then you understand what that small group of Jews who founded TBA understood – and why our existence is so important.

TBA exists because of the support we receive from people like you.  We are now planning for the next year. As with all organizations, our cost of operation increases each year.  The Board of Trustees has set $3,900 to be the Sustaining Amount for the coming year.  We are asking you to decide what your commitment will be for the next fiscal year, in keeping with your needs, expectations, and circumstances.

We appreciate your support and are glad that you choose to be a part of the Temple Beth Abraham family. We are a better place because of that choice.

  • My Annual Commitment

  • In addition to [My/Our] Membership Commitment above, [I/We] would like to make an additional donation this year to:

    Join our Clergy and fellow congregants in donating to ARZA, the Reform movement's vehicle for promoting pluralism and equal representation for Reform Jews in Israel and abroad. ARZA combats intolerance and fundamentalism, while educating and supporting Reform communities around the world.
    Donations to this Fund support improvement and maintenance to our sacred spaces.
  • Sustainer Recognition Opt-Out/Anonymous Donation