Temple Beth Abraham’s Adult Education Committee creates a rich array of classes and events for adult learners. Events include two ongoing Book Clubs, weekly Mah Jongg and Canasta games, Torah study with Rabbi Holtz, and a Women’s Circle program.
The chair of our Adult Ed committee is Claire Zucker.
For more information about TBA’s Adult Education Programming or to join the Adult Education Committee, please e-mail: adulted@tba-ny.org
MONDAYS, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Meetings take place weekly at Temple Beth Abraham
This is a friendly, non-competitive (no betting) gathering.
Email adulted@tba-ny.org or call the temple office (914) 631-1770 for more information.
Free for Temple members; $3.00/session for guests.
WEDNESDAYS, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
This is a friendly, non-competitive (no betting) gathering.
Email adulted@tba-ny.org or call the temple office (914) 631-1770 for more information.
Free for Temple members; $5.00/session for guests.
WEDNESDAYS, 10:00am-11:00am
Torah Study takes place in person in the Michael Karnes Conference Center at Temple Beth Abraham and on Zoom.
For Zoom links, please email info@tba-ny.org by the Tuesday prior at noon.
The class goes at its own pace through the Five Books of Moses (Torah), The Prophets (N’Vi’Im), and Writings (K’tuvim) (T-N-K or Tanakh) in English. You do not need to have previous knowledge of Torah, and you may join in at any point in the cycle.
There is no fee to attend.
SATURDAYS, during Conservative Services (In person and on Zoom)
Every week, we discuss the Parsha (Torah portion) that we read at services.
WEDNESDAYS, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Learn how to play the game!
Meetings take place weekly at Temple Beth Abraham
Initially this is an instructional class to learn to play the game. Those who need a refresher are also welcome to join us. In the future, we will organize weekly games for those who know how to play.
Email adulted@tba-ny.org or call the temple office (914) 631-1770 for more information.
Movie Mavens meets monthly from September or October (depending upon the timing of the High Holydays) through May. We watch movies with Jewish themes. At the conclusion of the film, we have a moderated discussion.
If you would like to suggest a movie for consideration for the 2024-2025 calendar, please email us at adulted@tba-ny.org
$5.00 per person suggested donation for guests. No charge for members.
Books & More – the Daytime Book club
Bi Monthly. On a Friday from 10:00am to 11:30am
NEXT MEETING: Friday, July 12, 10:00am
The Red Balcony: A Novel by Jonathan Wilson
Ivor Castle, a young Oxford educated lawyer, is sent from England to assist
in the defense of two Russian Jews accused of murdering a man who had been negotiating to allow more Jews to leave Hitler’s Germany. Hated by many local Jews who were convinced he’d entered into a pact with the devil, Haim Arlosoroff was also hated by the local Arabs for trying to increase the pace of Jewish settlement. The case quickly becomes “a miasma of twisted, competing narratives” … (New York Times Book Review, 2/18/23)
Moderated by a congregant
$3.00 suggested donation per guest.
RSVP: (914) 631-1770 adulted@tba-ny.org
Books@Night – the Evening Book Club
Bi Monthly. Usually on a Wednesday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 25, 7:00pm
The Matchmaker’s Gift by Lynda Cohen Loigman
A scrappy Jewish teenager, newly arrived in 1920s New York, struggles to follow her calling as a matchmaker––seventy years later, her cynical divorce-attorney granddaughter realizes she has very inconveniently inherited the family gift for matching soulmates.
Moderated by a congregant
$3.00 suggested donation per guest.
RSVP: (914) 631-1770 adulted@tba-ny.org
In person and on zoom, usually monthly.
Women’s circle meets monthly from September through June.
Bring a bag supper to enjoy after Women’s Circle and before Shabbat Services.
There is no charge for this program.
Guests are welcome.
The Scholar in Residence with Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman
Took place on Friday-Sunday, March 15-17
The Intersection of Science and Religion with Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman
The Scholar-in-Residence Weekend is designed to bring an outstanding contemporary Jewish thinker to our community in a way that will allow us not only to hear an inspiring speaker, but to also interact, to question, and to learn about Judaism in ways that will enrich us all.
To watch Rabbi Mitelman’s talks, please click on the topic below:
Friday, March 15: Has Science Replaced God?
Saturday, March 16: The Cosmos and the Covenant: Just How Special Are We?