2024/5785 High Holyday services
will be Multi-Access
Multi-access services are both in-person and available online.
Services are conducted in both the Reform tradition and the Conservative tradition. At TBA, we know that there are many ways to express one’s Judaism. There are also different ways to worship and celebrate. We offer a variety of prayer services and holiday programs designed to encourage our members to experiment and stretch. We not only have services that speak to adults on their level, but also services aimed at toddlers and school-age children.
We invite everyone to join us at our High Holyday services. TBA is an inclusive community.
We have a variety of worship experiences and services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the intervening days.
It is our hope that these High Holydays strengthen our community and provide meaning as we reflect on the year past and the one to come. In the spirit of the Holyday season and to support Temple Beth Abraham’s full array of services and programs – now and throughout the year – we encourage everyone who joins us at the High Holydays to make a contribution.
Thank you and Shana Tova!
- Rosh Hashanah begins October 2, 2024 at sundown and it concludes at nightfall on October 4, 2024.
- Yom Kippur begins at sunset on October 11, 2024 (the evening service begins with Kol Nidre) and ends at nightfall on October 12, 2024.
2024/5785 Rosh Hashanah at Temple Beth Abraham
SELICHOT: Saturday, September 28** | |
7:00pm Program and Study in Preparation for the Days of Awe (Atonement and Apologies): |
EREV ROSH HASHANAH: Wednesday, October 2 | |
7:30pm Reform Service | 6:00pm Conservative Service |
ROSH HASHANAH Day 1: Thursday, October 3 | |
9:30am Reform Service | 9:00am Conservative Service |
10:00am Communal Lay-Led Rosh Hashanah Service at TBA This experiential service blends traditional and contemporary liturgy with songs and conversations to begin the heart-opening work allowing us to enter the New Year with a clean slate. We will explore the story of Abraham, Sarah and their servant/handmaiden Hagar, mother of Ishmael. Led by Pam Barkley, Sharon DeLevie, Sharon Kirschner, and Felise Milan. |
3:00pm Family Service** A fun and engaging service geared towards families with children Pre-K through 8 years of age. Hear the shofar, sing holiday music, and listen to a Torah story. Led by Rabbi Holtz and Cantor Fogelman |
4:00pm Tashlich* During the Tashlich ceremony, which translates to “casting off,” we symbolically cast off the sins of the previous year by tossing crumbs into the stream at Loh Park (next to TBA) |
ROSH HASHANAH Day 2: Friday, October 4** | |
9:30am Reform Service | 9:00am Conservative Service |
*Combined Reform and Conservative Services take place for Selichot, Family Service, and Tashlich. **These services are open to the community and there is no charge for non-members to attend. Bring your friends! Please be sure to register in advance. | |
Junior Congregation services combine liturgy, song, connection, and learning, are a fun way to celebrate the holydays for children! Junior Congregation is led by TBA’s Director of Education and Youth Engagement, Stessa Peers, and Songleader, Adam Hart. |
2024/5785 Yom Kippur at Temple Beth Abraham
KOL NIDRE (EREV YOM KIPPUR): Friday, October 11 | |
7:30pm Reform Service | 5:45pm Conservative Service |
YOM KIPPUR: Monday, September 25 | |
9:30am Reform Service | 9:00am Conservative Service including Yizkor |
1:00pm Conversations and Meditations Conversations and meditations on High Holyday themes to enhance your Yom Kippur observance. Please join us for a deeper dive into the Rabbi’s sermon; conversations on Teshuvah (returning to something you’ve turned or looked away from); or private reflection in both the chapel and the sanctuary. |
3:00pm Family Service** A fun and engaging service geared towards families with children Pre-K through 8 years of age. Hear the shofar, sing holiday music, and listen to a Torah story. Led by Rabbi Holtz and Cantor Fogelman |
4:00pm Healing Service* Communal prayers for peace and healing at this sacred time of the year. |
4:45pm Reform afternoon, Yizkor |
5:00pm Conservative Neilah (Concluding) Service** |
*Combined Reform and Conservative Services take place for Conversations and Meditations, Family Service and Healing Services. **These services are open to the community and there is no charge for non-members to attend. Bring your friends! Please be sure to register in advance. |
Junior Congregation services combine liturgy, song, connection, and learning, are a fun way to celebrate the holydays for children! Junior Congregation is led by TBA’s Director of Education and Youth Engagement, Stessa Peers, and Songleader, Adam Hart. |