We worship and celebrate together, learn from and care for each other, mend souls
and lift spirits, and help heal the world.
At this season of introspection, we ask that you reflect on what this community does, all this community is – and what you can give to the Annual High Holyday Appeal in return.
We have been the heart of the Jewish community in the Rivertowns for 125 years. Together, we will continue to build our Jewish future.
L’Shanah Tovah,
Herb Baer & Brian Schneider, Co-Presidents
On behalf of the Board of Trustees
To make a donation to our 2024/5785 High Holyday appeal, please click HERE
Suggested Pledge Amounts
$180 Beracha Blessing |
$250 Chaverim Friends |
$360 Shalom Peace |
$500 Simcha Joy |
$1,000 Shomrim Guardians |
$1,800 Chai Life |
$2,500 Bonim Builders |
$5,000 Kavod Honor |
$10,000 Torah Torah |
$10,001 + Malachim Angels |
Year | Amount Raised |
2023/5784 | $40,227 |
2022/5783 | $42,905 |
2021/5782 | $42,223 |
2020/5781 | $36,409 |
2019/5780 | $68,071 |
2018/5779 | $57,046 |