The Fundraising and Development Committee works to raise financial resources for Temple Beth Abraham. They coordinate our annual Gala and other special events. Past years’ events have included dinners celebrating Rabbi David Holtz and Cantor Emerita Margot Goldberg, Casino Night, Progressive Dinners, Comedy Nights, Trivia Nights, and Concerts.
If you are interested in joining this vibrant committee, please contact the committee chair, Jenny Libien at

In Jewish Tradition we make donations or tributes, to acknowledge lifecycle and milestone events including:
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births, Graduations, Weddings and of course Commemorations and Condolences.
At TBA, you can direct these tributes towards causes that reflect your or your loved ones’ interests.
Click HERE to make an online donation.
This year our Annual Fundraising Gala celebrated TBA’s 125th Anniversary. Please view our digital journal, below:
Please view our 125th Anniversary Video:

Our Synagogue is proud to possess the Eytz Chaim, “Tree of Life” sculpture created by the noted synagogue artist, Sanford Werfel. It is permanently displayed in the Temple Beth Abraham lobby. The branches of the tree contain leaves which may be inscribed to highlight or commemorate such joyous events as births, weddings, anniversaries, bar and bat mitzvahs, graduations, or simply to honor parents, family or friends. Share your happy occasions by inscribing your family Simchas on our synagogue’s Tree of Life.

The price per leaf is $360 for members, $450 for non-members. For more information, or an order form, please contact the temple office at (914) 631-1770 or
Eat Something, You’ll Feel Better Cookbook

The TBA cookbook:
Eat Something…You’ll Feel Better!
is available for sale!
One cookbook is $36.00, two cookbooks are $50.00
Cookbooks may be picked up at the Temple Office during office hours.
Not in the area? We can ship a cookbook to you in a padded envelope via USPS Media Mail. Shipping is $5.00 per book.
Questions or to order, contact
Thank you to all our supporters!