Shabbat Greetings from Cantor Margot Goldberg – February 8


CANTOR MARGOT GOLDBERG Shabbat Shalom! We were reminded this week of Ed Koch, of blessed memory, and all of his accomplishments.  The former Mayor of New York City greeted people with the phrase “how’m I doin?” and he genuinely wanted to know.  Last Sunday our Ritual Chair, Jodie Lane, sent out a survey as part of our Shabbat Evening experiment with service times and she asked how are we doing. We all genuinely want to know.  We have heard for years from people on the receiving line and during oneg how much they love coming to services, how wonderfully warm the community is and how relaxed and refreshed they feel when we have finished but that it is so too hard to get back out on a Friday night after a long week of work, school and schlepping.  It seems to be a refrain that once you arrive home and take off your shoes it is hard to put them on again and head back out.  From others who are regularly at TBA on a Friday night we have heard that they couldn’t possibly get to TBA before 8:00pm because they don’t get out of work early enough to go home have dinner and then be ready to come to TBA.  From some we have heard that 8:00pm is just too late.  So like Goldilocks we are wondering here at TBA is 5:45pm too early, too late or just right?  What about 8:00pm or is there a better time on a Friday night for your family?  Last Sunday you received an email from Jodie asking  you about your Shabbat experience and desires.  Just in case you missed it or you hadn’t had a chance to fill it out yet there is still time and we are interested in your thoughts.  I have included the survey below but please forward your thoughts to Jodie at jodieritual@gmail.comThis coming Tuesday, February 12 at 8:00pm the Ritual Committee will meet to discuss the results of the survey and to plan for what service times will be starting in April.  If you would like to hear what people are thinking and share your thoughts with the committee  please feel free to join us.

As you may know, for the last few months we have been experimenting with our Friday night Shabbat service times.  Although we know that it is impossible to find a time that is perfect for everyone, we very much want to provide worship opportunities that work for those who want to be here on Shabbat evening.  We now need your help to go forward.  In fact, we simply can’t go any further without your input. Please reply to these questions with your thoughts on the following:

1)  Are you interested in attending Friday night services on a regular basis?  If so, what time or times would best allow you to do that?

2)  In the past three months have you attended either the 5:45pm or 8:00pm Friday night services? If so, how often?  How do these times work for your schedule?

3)  We would love to hear any of your comments or ideas about how to improve the Friday night experience.

Since we would like to review your responses at an upcoming Ritual Committee Meeting, please respond no later than Monday, February 11.

We really do want to know what you think and how we are doing so please fill out the survey above and forward it to Jodie.

Shabbat shalom,



Author: Melissa