Every1Counts: Day 1

March 31, 2018  15 Nisan, 5778


We begin Counting the Omer

We begin counting after sundown tonight, at the second seder.

(Since this is the Passover holiday, we are posting this prior to the first seder, so you do not have to use your computer on the holiday.)

Since 2012 we here at TBA have turned the Omer period between Passover and Shavuot into an amazing program called Every1Counts (E1C). This year, we’d are sharing the voices of our congregation.  This year we wish to enhance our community by listening to each other, so we asked you to tell us, in 150 words or less, “What Does Being Jewish Mean to You?”

Now, for each day of the 49 days of the omer, we will share one response to this question.

Lox, Bagels, and Kasha Varnishkes. L’dor va’dor, Tikkun Olam, Mitzvahs. Dancing the Hora, Hiding the Matzah, Blessing the Challah. And, of course, Israel.

I feel blessed to be a part of a community that shares so many beautiful customs and beliefs, and cares so deeply about repairing our world. My synagogue is my “happy place,” and my clergy and congregation make me smile. I love “belonging,” and welcoming others.

Like the embrace of my Tallit, Judaism warms and comforts me. Like grandma’s chicken soup, Judaism nourishes and sustains me. With rich tradition and history, Judaism anchors and supports me.

My Judaism calms, centers and soothes me. For me, Judaism is that warm cozy knowledge that you are home.

Debra Drattell



Author: Melissa