Board of Education

The Temple Beth Abraham Board of Education is responsible for overseeing our Religious School.

The Board of Education creates standards for curriculum, evaluation of programming and development of new programming for grades K-12 and opportunities for Family Education.  The Board ensures that each grade completes a Mitzvah Project and may attend class trips that offer opportunities for outside learning.

The Board meets monthly with the Religious School Director, Rabbi and Cantor.  The Board is responsible for the budgeting of educational resources, setting school fees, and ensuring the collection of those fees.  It has the ability to grant exemptions or make special arrangements for families with extenuating circumstances. The Board provides opportunities for teacher training and development and sponsors the Book Fair and a Thank you breakfast every year.

The Board of Education meets on the 2nd Tuesday of most months. Meetings are open to all TBA members interested in attending.

The Chair of the Board of Education is Emily Chazen,

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