Israel Committee

The Mission of Temple Beth Abraham’s Israel Committee is to foster a connection to, and love of, Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael: the land of Israel and the independent, democratic State of Israel. The committee promotes the State of Israel as a vital component of our identity as American Jews and advocates for the civil and religious rights of all of its citizens.

The goals of the Israel Committee are to foster a connection to, and love of, Israel through:
• educational programs;
• religious school education and life-long learning programming;
• cultural programs;
• travel to Israel;
• promotion of ARZA membership;
• support of Israeli companies and merchants.

The Israel Committee meets every month on the second Wednesday of the month (unless there is a holiday).

The chair of the Israel Committee is Marla Peers,



The Club will establish new connections between our community and the State of Israel through research and investment in Israeli companies.

And we’ll try to make a few “shekels” for Club members as well!

Club is open to new members and meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month.

The Israel Committee hosts Shekelvestors, but Shekelvestors is not a program of the Israel Committee or Temple Beth Abraham. It is open to members of TBA and the community.

email: if you are interested in participating or to request more information.


The Celebrate Israel Parade was June 2, 2024

Temple Beth Abraham marched with the Westchester Jewish Council up 5th Avenue.

Click HERE to see a video of the parade.
The WJC and TBA marchers may be seen beginning at 1:57:39.

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