A Reform and Conservative Synagogue Serving the Rivertowns
TBA’s Adult Education Committee Presents: “Masters and Stewards: Jewish Environmental Ethics” with Rabbi Marla Feldman
Judaism has much to teach us about our relationship to the natural world and our obligation to care for God’s creation as responsible stewards. This textual approach to Judaism and the environment will examine relevant texts from Biblical, Rabbinic, and Medieval tradition and consider what these teachings mean for us today
Rabbi Marla Feldman is a lawyer and published author of “Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New & Ancient Midrash.” She has written Reform Movement Action Manuals including “Speak Truth to Power,” “Khilat Tzedek: Creating Communities of Justice,” and “From Tzedek to Tzedakah: Social & Economic Issues of Concern for Women and Children.”
Please register for the Zoom at https://bit.ly/TBA-JewishEnviroEthics