A Reform and Conservative Synagogue Serving the Rivertowns
Family services are geared toward families with children in grades K-6. They include familiar prayers, explorations of holidays, music, and storiesThis month Family Shabbat coincides with Shabbat Across America: Hundreds of synagogues across the continent will take part in an historic national Jewish event to celebrate Shabbat.
Join TBA for a traditional Reform Shabbat service and share a festive meal (in your own home) with family and friends. If you would like a guidance for the meal and Shabbat blessings, contact the office at
(914) 631-1770 or tbaoffice@tba-ny.org
Family service begins at 6:00pm and is preceded by an Oneg* at 5:30pm
Oneg means ÒjoyÓ and is typically a meal or snack celebrating the Sabbath.