A Reform and Conservative Synagogue Serving the Rivertowns
Celebrate, study, and explore Jewish Women’s issues and history. You do not have to read or prepare anything in advance. Life experience is the only tool you’ll need. This is a congregant-led discussion on topics of interest to Jewish Women and those who identify as Jewish Women.
This month’s topic: Caring for the Self With Stessa Peers
It is so important to take care of our whole selves: body, mind, and spirit (goof, moach, and nefesh). In this month’s Women’s Circle, we will meet to talk about some ways we can fill our cups and practice self-care. We will also learn about (and try!) the art form and self-care practice of Micrography. Join in to learn and practice some ways to care for ourselves!
Please have paper, pencil, eraser, colored pencils, or markers available. We will email you with more information. (Please make sure we have an email address for you.)
Members and Guests are welcome. There is no charge for this program.
Please email tbawomenscircle@gmail.com for more information.
Requests for the Zoom link must be made by the Wednesday prior at noon.