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Tot Shabbat

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown

The Tot Shabbat program is specifically designed for families with children ages birth to pre-kindergarten. Tot Shabbat is a 30-minute parent-participation service which combines music,...

Tot Shabbat

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown

The Tot Shabbat program is specifically designed for families with children ages birth to pre-kindergarten. Tot Shabbat is a 30-minute parent-participation service which combines music,...

Reform Family Shabbat Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown

This month: Reform Family Shabbat with Fourth Grade on the bima

7th Grade Shul In

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown

For more information, please contact the Director of Youth Engagement, Stessa Peers, at