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Simchat Torah Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

7:00pm Reform Simchat Torah Service with Visual Tefillah and DANCING WITH THE TORAH!

Chanukah Shabbat Dinner and Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

Bring your hanukkiah & candles for the sixth Night of Chanukah Dinner is 6:00 pm, followed by 7:00 Reform Shabbat services The main course is chicken,...

Purim Shpiel and Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

Purim Sameach (Happy Purim)! Join us tonight to hear the story of Purim and to sing along with our Purim Shpiel performers in our Disney...

Yom Hashoah Service w/guest speaker Ellen Kaidanow

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

The Woman with Four Names: An Inspirational Story of Survival and Bravery Ellen Kaidanow, daughter-in-law of two Holocaust survivors, Ellen and Jerry, will tell the...

Reform Shavuot Services with Confirmation

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

Shavuot commemorates the Harvest in Israel and the giving of the Torah to the Israelites. We will confirm our tenth graders.

Conservative Shavuot Service with Yizkor

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

Shavuot commemorates the Harvest in Israel and the giving of the Torah to the Israelites. Conservative Shavuot Services with Yizkor (remembrance)


Selichot Program, Study, Havdallah, & Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

7:00pm:  Program and Study in preparation for the Days of Awe Staged reading of, “THE GATES ARE CLOSING,” a play by Merle Feld 9:00pm   Refreshments and Social...

Sukkot Dinner

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States

Reservations are required for dinner. Dinner is at 6:00pm $15/adult $10/child (ages 2-12) Reservations must be made by Friday, October 4 Click here to reserve...

Reform Sukkot Service

Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United States