Chanukah Celebration & Community Candle Lighting
6:00pm Family Sing-Along & Experience led by Cantor Lauren & Morah Stessa 7:00pm Latkes, Applesauce, Sour Cream, and Communal Chanukah Candle Lighting 7:30pm Reform Shabbat...
A Reform and Conservative Synagogue Serving the Rivertowns
6:00pm Family Sing-Along & Experience led by Cantor Lauren & Morah Stessa 7:00pm Latkes, Applesauce, Sour Cream, and Communal Chanukah Candle Lighting 7:30pm Reform Shabbat...
Purim Sameach (Happy Purim)! Join us for excitement, fun, and laughter! Hear both a traditional and comical retelling of the story of Purim. This year's...
Chag Purim Sameach! Join Temple Beth Abraham as we celebrate Purim in the conservative tradition and read the gantze (entire) megillah.