Temple Beth Abraham 25 Leroy Avenue, Tarrytown, NY, United StatesLearn the rules, play the game.Meet new friends, spend time with old friends, take a coffee break. Free for Temple members. $5.00 per session for...
A Reform and Conservative Synagogue Serving the Rivertowns
Learn the rules, play the game.Meet new friends, spend time with old friends, take a coffee break. Free for Temple members. $5.00 per session for...
The Israel Committee meets to plan programs that foster a connection to, and love of, Israel. Email if you wish to attend.
A friendly, non-competitive (no betting) gathering at Temple Beth Abraham to play Mah Jongg. No charge for TBA members, Non-members: $5.00
ChildrenÕs Garden Center Preschool Parent/Caregiver ÒCoffee TalksÓJoin Early Childhood Director Melissa McHugh and special guests on the first Thursday of the month for coffee and...
This committee meets to discuss ciriculum and events at the Childrens Garden Center Nursery School.Contact Melissa McHugh, Director of Early Childhood, at if you...
Join us for a moderated discussion about books with Jewish themes.Free for members, $3.00 for guestsRSVP: (914) 631-1770 This month: "Wake Me Most Wickedly"...
Join us for a warm spiritual start to the week.
Shabbat Morning ServicesIf you did not receive the Zoom link in our earlier email, please contact the office to register for this session: (914) 631-1770...
For more information, please contact the Director of Youth Engagement, Stessa Peers, at
For more information, please contact the Director of Youth Engagement, Stessa Peers, at
A friendly, non-competitive (no betting) gathering at Temple Beth Abraham to play Mah Jongg. No charge for TBA members, Non-members: $3.00
Quarterly calendar planning meeting for all TBA committees
Torah Study will not meet this week
Learn the rules, play the game.Meet new friends, spend time with old friends, take a coffee break. Free for Temple members. $5.00 per session for...
Join us for a moderated discussion about books with Jewish themes.Free for members, $3.00 for guestsRSVP: (914) 631-1770 This month: "When the Angels Left...
A friendly, non-competitive (no betting) gathering at Temple Beth Abraham to play Mah Jongg. No charge for TBA members, Non-members: $5.00