On erev Rosh Hashanah I spoke of how the two mitzvot of choosing an etrog and honoring our elders are linked by language. (If you want to know how, ask me for a copy of the sermon!) The story I told made it clear however that caring for human beings should always take precedence over inanimate objects; if two mitzvot should happen but there is only time for one, relationships always trump things. But we have found a way to combine these two mitzvot without sacrificing either. This Sunday, our fourth grade students will be welcoming senior citizens from the Hebrew Home in Riverdale, and inviting them to enter our sukkah, have a bite to eat and of course shake the lulav and etrog. You, of course, will have the same opportunity as the seniors. Sukkot begins Sunday evening, and our sukkah will be up all week. You can come to services on Sunday evening or Monday morning, or feel free to stop by later in the week with a brown bag lunch. Why let the fourth-graders have all the fun? Chag sameach!