Tonight we are continuing a practice that we began two summers ago: holding a Shabbat evening service led entirely by congregants. Sharon DeLevie is coordinating the 6:00pm service, which will include readings and music chosen and led by TBA members. (We will also hold our regular 7:30pm service). It promises to be a very special experience. Many congregations use all or part of the summer to allow congregants to express their spirituality and love of Judaism by leading Shabbat services. This practice also allows all of you to have a different experience of worship, and perhaps to discover new meanings. Sometimes just having a different voice read a prayer you have heard a hundred times changes your understanding of the words. So, while I don’t want to be the only one here at 7:30pm, I hope that as many of you as possible will come at 6:00pm to welcome Shabbat with our dedicated and talented lay-leaders.