Shabbat Greetings from Rabbi David Holtz – March 7, 2014

Rabbi David 11After Shabbat services tomorrow morning, I will be joining our Confirmation class in Washington, DC at the annual L’Taken Social Justice weekend.  Run by the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, this trip is always a highlight of the 10th grade year.  Our students will be learning about important social justice legislation pending before Congress.  They will choose one area about which they feel passionately and, with the guidance of the RAC staff, write a lobbying presentation expressing their views.  On Monday, our 17 students, along with 280 other Reform Jewish teens, will go to Capitol Hill where they have appointments in the offices of our Senators and Representatives.  There they will present their case, lobbying our elected officials to cast votes which will help make real our vision of a truly just society.  Throughout their years at TBA our students have done many mitzvah projects, almost all of which involve direct service to individuals or groups:  feeding, teaching, clothing, etc.  On Monday they will have an opportunity to forcefully advocate for making our society one that is righteous enough so that we no longer have to collect food or clothing, no longer have to fight for equality for all Americans.  In short, our TBA youth will be speaking truth to power, and working to mold the America in which we all dream of living.

Author: Melissa