George Bernard Shaw was wrong. Youth is not wasted on the young.
Watching our youth group kids do just about anything brings a smile to my face. They are enthusiastic, happy, responsible kids who truly want to share their passion for community and Judaism with any other child or adult who chooses to listen. Tonight, you are all invited to be part of a special Shabbat service that will be led by ZEETY, our senior youth group. There will be singing, there will be unique readings, and there will even be a video presentation created over the past few weeks with TBA kids talking about what community means to them. While it is of course fun to come and ”shep nachas” over our wonderful kids, it is also an opportunity for you, as a grown up, to experience a different kind of Friday night service. You may just find yourself pulled in by their energy and therefore able to see certain prayers in a whole new way. Come see for yourselves what makes our youth so special. Let them share their passion and infect you with their joy.
Shabbat Shalom
Pamela Barkley, Director of Education