B’chukotai, FOMO, B’midbar, M*A*S*H.
Now what could all of these things possibly have in common? Last week we read parashat B’chukotai and our chanting of Chazak, Chazak at the end signaled the completion of the book of Va’yikra, Leviticus. This week the scene will shift as we start reading B’midbar and continue in the eponymous book (Numbers in English). And the scene has shifted at TBA as well.
I think that it turned out to be fortuitous that the Religious School bade farewell to Pam this week and we find ourselves moving in a different direction. We’re moving forward but the narrative will be different. It’s positive on all accounts as Pam has chosen her path and our search committee worked tirelessly to bring Allison in to head our school.
FOMO? I didn’t know what it meant either but whenever you have a question about the latest terms, or trends in social media, just ask Pam. Perhaps it’s because she has two teenage girls that she needs to keep ahead of or maybe she needs to be up to date to speak to her students or maybe it’s just because that’s who she is. Curious, timely, informed. And OK, I’ll tell you. It’s Fear of Missing Out. Those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to work with Pam on a daily basis as I did might have missed out but so many of you saw her in action for so many years I think that her concern, her ability, her work ethic couldn’t be overlooked.
M*A*S*H? I don’t need a show of hand to see that many of you remember this TV show or the movie it was based on. When I arrived, I needed to know the players, their relationships, who was close with whom and who was not. Pam became Radar to me since she knows everyone and how they relate to, and are related to, each other. For a newbie, that information is invaluable and Pam was always generous in sharing her knowledge of anything TBA.
So this is my opportunity to say “Thank You” to Pam for all of the wisdom and guidance that she has shared with me during my short time at TBA. Pam – I know that you will have an impact wherever your career takes you next. Along with thousands of other admirers at TBA, I’ll miss seeing you each day and wish you only success in your future.
Shabbat Shalom!