Change is in the air. This is true literally as you read this on Friday, 20 June. It’s the longest day of the year and with tomorrow’s summer solstice we’ll have the “official” start of summer.
It’s been easy to follow the lengthening of days by watching Friday night candle lighting times. Tonight is the latest lighting time of the year. Going forward, lighting times will start to get earlier.
There are other changes taking place as well. This past Tuesday evening TBA held its Annual Congregational Meeting. An annual Agenda item is the Slate of Officers and Trustees and after the vote was taken the Temple has a new group of Officers and Trustees. Plan to attend services this evening at 7:30pm and watch as this new group is officially installed. I would also ask you to give them your support and constructive suggestions throughout the year so they have the benefit of your thoughts and input. Watch for the announcement of the monthly Board meetings and plan to attend one (or more!). These meetings are open to the congregation and any member is welcome to attend. Take an active part in the running of your Temple by volunteering to help out with an event or project or serve on a committee. There is something for everyone’s interest and new ideas and energy are always welcome. Take a moment to speak to one of the incoming officers or trustees and find out how you can participate. Everyone will be glad that you did.
Shabbat Shalom!